
Category: Insights

How to Leverage SaaS Customer Journey Stages

The key to running a successful SaaS business is to understand the customer journey. Mapping the customer journey gives you insight into how a customer interacts with your brand at each stage, how they feel and what their challenges are. In this article, we’ll help you learn more about the SaaS customer journey, why you […]

Mahnoor Sheikhin
April 15, 2022

10 Best Landing Page Ideas to Boost Conversions

Are you searching for innovative landing page ideas that can help you increase conversions for your email marketing or PPC advertising campaigns? Landing pages are the focal point of your digital advertising funnel. These are the pages on your website where visitors “land” after clicking on one of your paid advertisements or email marketing links. […]

Brian Buiin
October 14, 2020

Is Landing Page Testing Important?

Are you wondering whether landing page testing is still important and how you can test your landing pages to increase conversions? Landing pages are the specially optimized lead generation or sales pages where your prospective customers “land” after clicking one of your paid advertisements or email marketing links. Learning how to create a landing page […]

Brian Buiin
October 8, 2020

5 Top Examples of Website Buttons that Convert

Website buttons can play an important role when it comes to pushing visitors towards the conversion targets on your website or landing pages. Compared to text-based or image-based links, website buttons do a much better job of grabbing the attention of your target audience and directing them towards your on-page conversion targets. In this short […]

Brian Buiin
October 8, 2020

6 Best Ways to Improve Your Landing Page Copywriting

The quality of your landing page copywriting has a major impact on whether potential buyers who arrive on your page choose to buy your product or service. If you can write attention-grabbing and persuasive landing page copy, you’ll be able to grab your visitor’s attention, tempt them with a call to action (CTA), and increase […]

Brian Buiin
October 8, 2020

10 Ways to Improve Your Website Copy

Your website copy is the main text of your website that communicates to your visitors about your brand and the products or services you offer.  If the ultimate goal of your website is to convert your digital visitors into paying customers, one of the best ways to do better is by improving your website copy. […]

Brian Buiin
October 8, 2020

Phrase Match vs. Broad Match: Key Differences

As a search advertising specialist, understanding when to optimize your keyword targeting with phrase match vs broad match targeting can help you reach more relevant audiences, attract more clicks from potential customers, and see better results from your ad campaigns. Broad and phrase match are just two of the primary keyword match types that allow […]

Brian Buiin
October 8, 2020

Keyword Match Types: Everything You Need To Know

Keyword match types are a critical but often overlooked feature on the Google Ads platform. Every digital marketer understands the importance of doing PPC keyword research to figure out a targeting strategy for their paid search campaigns, but many don’t fully realize the effect that keyword match types have on their campaign performance.  In fact, […]

Brian Buiin
October 8, 2020

What is Modified Broad Match? Essential Guide

Modified broad match targeting is one of four primary keyword match types that digital marketers can choose to customize their keyword targeting in Google Ads campaigns. Keyword match types determine how much search volume you may receive for each keyword by broadening or restricting the definition of a “match”. In this essential guide, we’re taking […]

Brian Buiin
October 7, 2020

6 Components of an Effective Digital Marketing Plan

A digital marketing plan is a document that outlines your strategy for planning, executing, and measuring the success of an online marketing campaign.  Creating a digital marketing plan at the outset of a campaign is essential for success. Your digital marketing plan establishes the objectives of your campaign, the specific channels, tactics, and tools you […]

Brian Buiin
September 25, 2020

Find out how you can crush your tech marketing goals with Customer Generation.
