The challenge

TokenEx’s primary product offering relies on a process called tokenization. Put simply, tokenization is used to replace sensitive data with non-sensitive data. This process ensures that businesses can keep their data secure while remaining compliant with necessary security standards.

Tokenization is a growing subset of the data security industry, with a large number of indirect competing players specifically in the encryption space. At the core of the challenge is a lack of awareness among software buyers about tokenization as a viable alternative to encryption software.

The team at TokenEx recognized a need to grow the brand’s online presence to educate buyers about the solution and differentiate itself from other vendors on the market. To take on this challenge, they partnered with Directive.

The strategy

To make the TokenEx brand more discoverable, the team at Directive focused their attention on growing organic keyword rankings.

The overarching strategy revolved around creating content to target any and all keywords related to the general topic of tokenization. If a search engine user has a question about a tokenization term or concept, TokenEx needs to have the answer.

The goal was to increase organic traffic, grow overall brand awareness in the SERPs, and direct qualified web visitors toward relevant call-to-action (CTA) buttons on TokenEx’s website.

Addressing user pain points

For TokenEx, we knew it was imperative to cover topics related to general areas of cybersecurity and compliance. It’s possible that people in the market for tokenization software may not even know that they require this kind of solution yet.

If we wanted to target these buyers effectively, we had to think critically about their overarching pain points.

Our first major initiative was to build out a core solution page related to NACHA compliance. NACHA is an up-and-coming topic in the data security space that has yet to be extensively covered by other online publications. Since TokenEx’s platform directly helps businesses to abide by NACHA compliance rules, it made sense to build out a page solely dedicated to this topic. As an added bonus, less competing content gave us a better chance to rank for NACHA and related terms.

The Directive approach to content creation is equal parts focused on keyword research as well as on-page optimization. With every content recommendation, we provide the client with a detailed brief that outlines each and every element that needs to be included in the piece. This includes everything from the body text to the URL structure and placement of call-to-action buttons.

The results speak for themselves

After completing many core page optimizations, we observed that in Q4 year-over-year (YoY), the homepage experienced a 282.41% increase in traffic.

It now ranks at the top of the first results page for “tokenization service” and “tokenization software”, which are two very important keywords that directly relate to the TokenEx brand and offering.

TokenEx also saw noteworthy success with the newly-built NACHA Compliance page. So far, it has seen a 320% increase month-over-month (MoM) and is now the second-highest performing solutions page on the website. The page currently ranks in the top 10 on the SERP for crucial keywords like “nacha” and “nacha compliance.”

In each of the blog articles that were optimized, TokenEx saw extraordinary results. For example, the blog “Format Preserving Encryption: What You Need to Know”, saw a 171.95% traffic increase quarter-over-quarter (QoQ). One of the site’s most popular pieces titled “Tokenization vs. Encryption: Which One is Better for Your Business?” saw a 500% increase in conversion rate.

Following Directive’s tactical approach to search marketing, TokenEx has experienced significant online growth and achieved their goal of becoming more discoverable in the SERPs.