The challenge

As a provider of clinical communication software, TigerConnect serves a very specific vertical of healthcare professionals. This means that when developing a paid advertising strategy to reach this audience, the targeting is also very narrow.

Prior to partnering with Directive, the team at TigerConnect had built an advertising strategy around low volume healthcare-specific keywords, such as “HIPAA texting”. With some search volumes as low as 100, it was a challenge to attract a substantial amount of visitors to the TigerConnect website to make an impact on the business.

The strategy

Directive recognized this as a common challenge among companies that operate within specific verticals.

We know that we have no control over search volume. However, we do have control over the number of platforms a brand is present on. To grow TigerConnect’s online visibility, it would require expanding into new marketing channels.

It was time to build awareness in front of new eyes.

ABM-powered LinkedIn advertising

Given that TigerConnect already had a powerful nurturing process to move top-of-funnel leads down the funnel, we knew that fueling more traffic to the website had the potential to bring in massive returns.

After conducting some preliminary research, our team concluded that LinkedIn had potential to be a successful advertising platform for TigerConnect. While the team had previously allocated some budget to LinkedIn, their efforts weren’t significant enough to generate meaningful results.

While evaluating search trends, we noticed that TigerConnect’s audience was frequently searching for educational content related to their main pain point: lack of communication in clinical settings.

As a result, we designed the ad campaign to feature a top-of-funnel content asset that would directly address this issue and provide additional insight into how to mitigate it.

The initial LinkedIn ads campaign launch was adequate, but not outstanding. This was acceptable for our first go around, but we knew we had to level up the strategy if we wanted to generate serious results for TigerConnect.

Shortly after, we introduced account-based marketing (ABM) into the campaign. This allowed us to target specific companies with our ads, as well as go after job titles and even users with specific medical skill sets such as patient care or nursing.

We tested different variations of the ABM campaign to determine which structure would allow for the best results at the lowest possible cost-per-action (CPA). Our tests indicated that targeting by job title brought in the highest number of leads with the lowest spend.

Promoting assets that pack a punch

An ad is only as powerful as the offer that’s being presented. As mentioned earlier, we recognized the need to reach TigerConnect’s audience with quality content assets to draw them in.

To maximize the performance of our LinkedIn ads campaign, we tested several assets to see which would bring in the most conversions and form fills.

We found that one particular ebook was driving the majority of the results.

Not only did this help us improve the campaign, but it also provided valuable insight into the types of content that would resonate the most with TigerConnect’s audience.

The results speak for themselves

Overall, LinkedIn proved to be a massively successful paid channel for TigerConnect. The campaign generated a 31% increase in paid leads, quarter-over-quarter (QoQ).

Additionally, TigerConnect observed a massive 111% increase in overall visits from LinkedIn, despite only increasing ad spend to the platform by 15%.

Finally, with the addition of ABM targeting, we were able to decrease CPA by 71% QoQ.

By teaming up with Directive, TigerConnect was able to solidify a top-of-funnel paid strategy and successfully hit their quarterly growth goals.