The Challenge

Prior to working with Directive, the team at Vyond focused their efforts on creating top-of-funnel content to attract a wide range of businesses. Although they were successful at building an expansive content library, the SEO component had room for improvement.

To position itself as the go-to B2B animation software company, Vyond would have to prioritize SEO as a much larger part of the existing content strategy.

The Vyond team sought out Directive as the right partner to take on the challenge.

The goal was to refine Vyond’s content strategy for sharper SEO targeting, identify high-impact keywords to fill topic gaps throughout the funnel, and ultimately, grow traffic and conversions.

The Strategy

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to content.

To grow Vyond’s organic search rankings, Directive recognized the need for a full revamp of the current content library to include SEO-friendly topics that appeal to the right buyers.

Keyword-Driven Content Recommendations

The first step in building out a new content calendar was to conduct in-depth keyword research.

Our goal was to identify keywords that would appropriately target B2B buyers in Vyond’s core segments. We built an expansive list of topics that would appeal to audiences at the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel. Executing on this strategy would require creating numerous hyper-targeted pieces, as well as consolidating existing articles into fresh comprehensive guides.

Since driving conversions was another primary goal, we strategized a relevant call-to-action (CTA) for each article.

For CTAs to be effective, it’s critical to target the reader based on their place in the buying journey. Top-of-funnel content featured CTAs with less transactional offerings, while the pieces intended for a bottom-of-funnel audience encouraged readers to sign up for a free trial or similar offer.

With a finalized content calendar in place, all that was left to do was start writing. To keep the traffic engine running, we scheduled out each piece to be written and published on a regular cadence.

The Results Speak for Themselves

After switching to an SEO-driven content strategy, Vyond had the ability to target their audience more effectively and draw in more organic traffic than ever before.

This new content initiative led to a 49% increase in organic traffic quarter-over-quarter (QoQ) and resulted in all-time traffic high for the website.

The data shows that not only were we able to generate more traffic but also that this traffic was qualified. By A/B testing metadata across the website’s core pages, we observed an impressive 46% increase in conversions QoQ.

In the end, Directive delivered a multi-layered SEO approach which resulted in a 27% increase in organic revenue QoQ for the client. Through compelling content and experimental conversion methods, Vyond successfully grew its search presence to reach more of its target B2B audience.

“SEO growth takes time and patience, but with Directive as an integrated part of our team, we saw a 46% increase in organic conversions last quarter. I couldn’t be happier with the results,” adds Morgan.