“For WordPress to generate a solid pipeline, we had to focus on refining the right audiences to more accurately target prospects based on company size and search intent. Once ready, we sparked increases with more qualified opportunities and bottom-line revenue.”

– Katie Rossi, Associate Director of Paid Search @Directive

The Challenge

Stuck in the consideration phase of their buyer’s journey, WordPress experienced difficulties when growing their paid channels. Their unique problem was that even if they found the right audiences, oftentimes companies weren’t ready to move forward  with an enterprise deal.

Directive was brought on to help unfreeze WPVIP’s pipeline and help them scale opportunities from their paid channels. To do so, the right audiences had to be identified to accurately target based on company size and search intent. Then Directive had to find the right moment in the buyer’s journey to catch them and deliver the ideal type of interaction to best serve a prospect within that specific “consideration” moment.

The Strategy

Directive started by breaking down WPVIP’s target market into 2 separate tiers. Tier 2 consisted of the bulk of the accounts they wanted to target, while Tier 1 focused on high-level blue-chip prospects that could be targeted with an account-based marketing (ABM) approach. This helped Directive target individual personas by company size and different paint points to craft unique ad copy that targeted the specific jobs-to-be-done framework (JTBD) of each audience.

Finding The Right Places and People

Directive expanded WPVIP’s audience targeting by focusing on the different personas, pain points, and JTBD of the different tiered audiences. While Tier 1 received ABM strategies like LinkedIn Conversation ads, generally Tier 2 was reserved for more traditional ad formats like Sponsored Posts.

Google and Google Display. Directive realized early that Google tends to drive higher volume impressions and conversions, but the quality of the leads dropped as prospects were usually looking for traditional WordPress info. Tier 1 was reserved for accounts that could afford and needed WPVIP’s enterprise offerings and were in the research/consideration phase of the buyer’s journey.

Targeting Means Timing Too

Since Tier 1 targets were already qualified accounts, a more aggressive approach to driving new business from them needed to be taken. Directive leveraged a customer-led approach to LinkedIn Conversation ads to radically boost WPVIP’s success when it mattered most. This immediately increased new opportunities and closed/won deals.

The Results

Directive’s nuanced optimizations to WPVIP’s account were able to quickly boost both their opportunities and revenue, all while significantly cutting their Cost Per Opportunity. This is only the beginning of a growing and thriving account-wide optimization. With the future implementation of video and more interactive content to engage both tiers of WPVIP’s audience, there’s even more growth moving into the future.