Author name: Garrett Mehrguth

Garrett Mehrguth is the CEO and co-founder of Directive Consulting - a global search marketing agency headquartered in Southern California specializing in comprehensive search marketing campaigns for B2B and enterprise companies.

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Revenue Operations

14 Best Google Data Studio Examples to Copy

Unlocking the true potential of Google’s data visualization platform can be a daunting task for tech marketers. That’s why we believe that exploring Google Data Studio examples is a fantastic way to kickstart your journey towards becoming a data visualization master. Just plug in your own data and start using these dashboards to develop performance insights for your own marketing campaigns.

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Top 10 Most Popular Google Display Ad Sizes Plus Examples

To optimize your next PPC display campaign, it’s important that you choose the top-performing ad sizes with ad placements that are most likely to generate impressions and conversions for your campaign. You’ll need to choose a variety of sizes and include both text and image ads for desktop and mobile devices. Find out the optimal mix.

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Top 10 Free Link building Tools

Did you know that you can use free link-building tools to promote your content more effectively and increase your ranking in the search engine results pages (SERPs)? Check out the top 10 free link-building tools that tech marketers can use to get more external links to their content on social media platforms and from other websites.

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8 Types of Display Ads You Need to Know

How many types of display ads are you experimenting with in your tech marketing campaigns? While ads in the Google Search Network are usually restricted to just a few lines of text, display ads can be presented in a variety of formats and sizes. Here’s a list of the 8 most important ones you need to know.