The Challenge

The team at Xactly had previous experience working with other search marketing agencies, but they struggled with transparency, results, and proving return-on-investment (ROI).

They sought out Directive as the right partner to improve net new leads per quarter for all digital channels, with emphasis on overall web traffic and organic traffic.

The strategy

To drive new leads and organic traffic, we directed our focus toward improving Xactly’s presence on third-party directories, specifically Capterra.

As a lead generation tool, directories are incredibly useful at targeting middle and bottom-of-funnel buyers at the exact moment in time when they’re evaluating various solutions. Additionally, third-party directories often directly compete with brands for organic search results. This means it’s critical to capitalize on these listings and ensure they’re properly optimized.

Although Xactly already had a listing on Capterra, it wasn’t effective at driving high-quality traffic and leads. The Directive team conducted a full audit of the page to identify opportunities for improvements.

Optimizations for increased bottom-of-funnel traffic

We identified the name of the listing itself as a major opportunity for better visibility and conversions.

We changed the title from “Xactly Incent” to “Xactly Commissions Software.” It may seem like a small change, but this greatly impacted the volume and of traffic to the page.

Moving from a branded product title to a keyword-driven title allowed us to capture more traffic from users looking for a commission management software but weren’t yet familiar with Xactly’s specific solution.

Landing page overhaul

Next on our to-do list was to focus on improved conversions.

The listing was optimized to drive more traffic, but we needed to ensure that people who landed on the page were primed to take action.

We created a new, custom landing page using a multi-step form to promote one of Xactly’s demo videos. This update provided high-intent users with a more convenient and compelling way to learn about the solution during the consideration phase of their buying journey.

The results speak for themselves

By revamping Xactly’s listing on Capterra, we were successful at growing high-quality leads and organic web traffic.

Our efforts lead to a 336% increase in Capterra conversion volume in just one quarter, as well as a 39% boost in pre-qualified clicks.

Overall, Xactly saw a 100% growth in sales accepted lead volume as a result of the changes. Following the guidance of the Directive team, Xactly was able to fully leverage their listing to reach its full potential as a lead-generating machine.

“We are extremely happy with the Directive team and their service. Communication is great. They’re always available to provide in-depth answers and their turnaround is exceptionally fast,” adds Hamrick.