Creative Positioning Aligned With Customer Insights, Emotions, & Needs

Customer-Led Creative Positioning

Your customers are tired of the “B2B look” — so are we.




has changed.

Traditional B2B design doesn’t work for SaaS companies. It's stale templated, and doesn't meet the customization standards of today's consumers.

Traditional B2B design relies on the perception that customers are only making decisions based on logic rather than trying to establish emotional connections.

It’s often designed by committee where the end goal is approval, not impact, resulting in an undifferentiated brand voice. Prospects and customers see the same, recycled visuals – no wonder this ‘predictable design’ is quickly tuned out by customers.

Customers respond to creative experiences that not only captures their attention, but deeply connects to who they are, what they need, and where they are in their journey.

Enter Customer-Led Creative.

Old Creative Thinking vs.

Customer-Led Creative

Creating memorable first impressions and user experiences is the difference between winning and losing customers. Creative is more than a nice-to-have for brand awareness – it’s a powerful tool for earning attention, brand affinity, and sales conversions.


Designing for approval from internal stakeholers

Designing for a specific emotional response from target customers

Surface level visual research based on industry

Deep dives into customer needs and emotional motivators

Copy everyone in the industry resulting in a diluted brand voice

Stand out in your field with a distinct identity and messaging

Rebrand every year resulting in a loss of revenue

Invest in long-term, impactful design and experiences

Marketing to a general audience for awareness

Hyper-focused, personalized creative that drives sales actions

Creative is an add on to other marketing initiatives

Creative is integrated with all marketing initiatives for maximum value

The Principles of

Customer-Led Creative

Principle 1

Know Your Customer

Customer insights lead design – not product features, trends, or competitors

Principle 2

First Impressions Count

First impressions are our opportunity to own our category in 3 seconds or less

Principle 3

Unify Your Brand

Brand unity, cohesion, and consistency starts and ends with creative

Principle 4

Evoke Emotion

Creative that does not trigger an emotional response is not creative enough

Principle 5

Performance Driven

Creative is performance-driven and shares responsibility towards revenue goals

Creative That Drives Customers

Customer-Led Creative Positioning creates better customer experiences and aligns your
creative efforts with your product and marketing strategy to drive real customer growth.
