Marketing Qualified Leads are the lifeblood of B2B marketing campaigns. To gain MQLs, conducting blog traffic analysis for your company is one of the sure-fire ways to acquire accurate readings about what blog visitors are and are not interested in. In short, this data will actively help you to streamline products, services, content, and activities for the right demographic for your company, winning you more MQLs over time.
Blog Traffic Analysis: 15 Ways this Vital Data Can Improve MQLs for Your Company
There are tons of software and app options available to help both new and seasoned business owners analyze their blog traffic data. Moving through this information with a fine-toothed comb is important, offering you helpful ways to improve MQLs for your company. The following 15 ways outline just how blog traffic analysis can do this, and why it’s so important to pay attention to analysis results.
1. You’ll Know How Many Visitors Are Stopping By Each Day
Before you can really begin analyzing blog traffic data, you need to get an understanding of just how much traffic your blog is generating. Some blog analysis applications, like Google Analytics, can provide this information for you straight away, giving you a clear idea of how many visitors are stopping by your blog each day, each week, and each month. Once you’ve garnered an amount of traffic you’re happy with, you can begin looking at the layout of this traffic: which pages they’re reading, which pages they enter and leave from, how long they stay on a given page, etc.
To execute this analysis of your analysis, look at the data page of your analytics application or software. There should be a space where the app returns data and numbers on the amount of hits and visits each page and post of your blog experience each day or other designated time frame (i.e. week, month, six months, etc). Your business will likely have certain numbers in place that indicate good traffic and bad traffic, so compare returned data to those already set.
2. You’ll Be Able to See Which Post Topics Experience the Highest Traffic
Depending upon the age of your business, your blog is likely to have quite a few posts. Even if you have a fairly young company, if you’re keeping up with your blog, you should have at least three to five pages of backlogged content to peruse. Not sure how to fill up a few pages of content if you don’t already have them? Depending upon your business goals and needs, you should be creating content that is pertinent not only to your business, but to your customers.
For example, look up the most pressing issues concerning your area of business. For small business owners and entrepreneurs across the board, the issue of how to use social media as a tool for marketing is an important topic that is never quite exhausted no matter the type of business you’re running. Have your writers research and create content on such topics, highlighting how social media can work for marketing, how it can be used to raise awareness about your business, and how it relates to your customer and business demographic better.
3. You’ll Learn How Many Visitors Are New and How Many Are Returning
Through blog analysis, you’ll be able to see which visitors are new and which are repeat visitors. Pay attention to where new visitors are entering the blog-which pages are drawing them in and which pages do repeat visitors keep coming back to? This information will help you know which blog posts are really working to draw in more potential customers as well as help you develop even more topics for leads.
Once you learn the ratio of new to repeat visitors, you can take this information and apply it toward your PPC (pay-per-click) strategy and conversion rate optimization. This simply means that you utilize this information to take site traffic from mere visitors to engaged customers using optimization strategies.
4. You’ll Learn Which Topics You Can Tweak for SEO
Once you have learned which topics are garnering the most new and repeat visitors, you can tweak these for SEO. It will help your company to create more content on these particular topics because they are obviously already working and fulfilling some need or answering some questions others in the field have.
You can capitalize on these popular topics by taking the essence of the posts they appear in and creating relevant keywords for future articles based on the data returned by your blog traffic analysis. Search Engine Optimization is one of the best ways to increase traffic to your company site and blog because it allows you to literally take visitor interest and turn it into tangible content that drives leads. Pay attention to what the people want, and then generate more and more content that fits the bill.
5. You’ll Know Which Blog Authors Create the Most Traffic-Inducing Posts
Blog traffic analysis data will return which blog authors are actually creating the most traffic-garnering posts. There may be something about writing style, image use, or topic that is just more endearing to visitors. With this info, you can then sit down with your writers to find ways to enhance each writer’s style so that they’re actively connecting with visitors and turning those visitors into potential leads. Learning to tap into this and harness it for better blog, social media, eBook, and video content can only improve MQLs as your company continues to grow.
This is truly another branch of SEO marketing, focusing on what is popular and garnering the most traffic and capitalizing on that. SEO market strategy can help you find ways to organically funnel the content created by your best blog authors into a formula all writers can follow, enhancing your blog post quality overall.
6. You’ll Have an (Accurate) Idea of Potential Customer Demographics
Blog analysis data will help you to see the visitors you’re bringing and what set them apart: Are they parents? College students? Young entrepreneurs? Seasoned business owners and CEOs? Teachers? Medical professionals? People of a certain age, race, or gender? Learning the demographic you’re actually drawing in will help you to cater to them over time. Learn what matters to them, what they need and want from your type of business, and ways to deliver what they are asking for. Once you’ve answered these questions, you can move into the space of content promotion for your specific demographic, upping site visibility and awareness.
7. You’ll Learn Which Topics to Move Away From
Perhaps you’re noticing that some blog posts are barely getting any hits or visitors as you look through blog analysis details. When this happens, its an excellent sign that certain topics need to be updated, reworked, or totally phased out of your business plan. If a blog post is getting less than 250 views in a day or a week, it may be time to get rid of it.
8. You’ll Learn What Point Values to Assign to MQL Qualifications
As you create and define MQLs, you’ll see which topics and leads are the most popular. From these results, you can assign point values to the leads, giving a certain lead the green light if it hits a number of views or visits, and giving other leads room to grow before you completely lean into them.
Your blog traffic analysis data will make this step of the process incredibly easy, giving you a clear picture of which leads are likely to generate the most buzz. Again, the point of MQLs is to find topic leads that have a high likelihood of turning into actual customers. By picking the topics with the most potential, you can create the most successful MQLs.
9. You’ll Be Able to Better Prepare Your Sales Team
One of the main points of improving MQLs is so that they will, at some point, turn into SQLs, or Sales Qualified Leads. This simply means that the content that visitors and potential customers are interested in learning more about through new information and educational content (MQLs), will soon become leads that your business is ready to turn into a purchase, or “sales-ready” (SQLs).
Once you’ve identified and improved MQLs, transforming them into SQLs is a matter of sitting down with the sales team, going over the blog traffic analysis data, and stepping into the next sequence of marketing and promotion. Now that the leads are known, you can focus on really making them work and reaching out to the public through different marketing strategies.
10. You’ll Be Able to Really Focus on What Matters
It’s easy to get lost in a sea of content when trying to build up your business. You aren’t yet sure what is really important, what isn’t, what can be improved, and what should be scrapped. No matter what the stage of your actual business, blog traffic analysis can help you find what matters and lean into that.
With one reading of your blog traffic analysis data, you’ll be able to pinpoint exactly what matters and what does not. From here, you can utilize keywords and phrases to generate more posts, articles, emails, tweets, and statuses.
11. You’ll Learn How to Better Angle Your Social Media
A large part of running a successful business in the 21st century is having a palpable social media presence. No matter what your target and actual demographic are, much of your customers are going to be present on social media, so you want to meet them where they are. Using each social media platform (i.e. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc), you can offer relevant content to followers, garnering further interest in what your business offers and stands for.
Blog traffic analysis will ultimately help you lean into specific topics, images, videos, and more that your customers are looking for while increasing your credibility, visibility, and popularity through strategic sharing, social interaction, and focused advertisement.
12. You’ll Know Who to Contact
If your blog or business invites visitors to leave their contact information, you can begin compiling an email list to personally reach out to frequent site and blog visitors. This way you’ll know that the people you’re contacting are already interested in your business, what it has to say, and what is has to offer. This means the risk of you wasting time and effort on disinterested individuals is incredibly low.
To do this, you can insert a page on your site that allows visitors to leave their contact information if they are interested in learning more about your business and what it does. Keep this data on hand as you create email lists, connect on certain social media platforms, and create more content for new visitors and followers.
13. You’ll Be Able to Streamline How You Collect Lead Data
After looking over blog analysis data, you’ll begin to form an idea of how to create and improve MQLs. Once you have this information, you can then build up the content and educational information you have on relevant leads by creating infographics, articles, and even essays on pertinent topics. From this point, you can see which leads are doing better than others, which can help you decipher which MQLs are ready to become SQLs, and so on.
14. You’ll Be Able to Increase Output
Improving MQLs and converting to SQLs will eventually lead to your company increasing output of content, products, information, and services. Output is necessary for consumers to engage with your company, whether you’re running a B2C or B2B organization. The ultimate goal is to increase what you put out, so that you can welcome more customers and leads in. Blog traffic analysis data gives you the tools and information you need to begin generating relevant ads and Google Ads as well as advertising campaigns that will ideally reach more customers, which will lead to higher demand, and better output over time.
15. You’ll Always Have An Accurate Target List
If you want your business to grow or branch out, blog analysis data will help you create a more focused targeted demographic list for the future. For example, if your company is thriving, growing, and taking on new entities, you want to have a demographic of customers you are know are interested and engaged with your primary company already. Paying attention to blog analysis data will help you to tweak content for your growing or brand new company, ensuring that your targeted demographic stays and grows with you.
Blog analysis is a great way to learn more about how your company is doing. It’s a revealing and accurate practice that lets you know what’s working, what is not, what can be improved, and what to move away from. If you want to improve MQLs and your overall relationships with other businesses and consumers, using blog analytics to get ahead is one of the smartest moves you can make.
Kathryn Ross
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