Improve brand discoverability

The Outcomes of Customer-Led SEO

Drive revenue and brand affinity while reducing acquisition costs across your organization.

SEO has changed.

SEO for the modern age is about making your brand discoverable, not your website. Ranking high for low-quality content ends up hurting your brand – your content truly needs to be the best answer to your customer’s search query.

Our approach to customer-led SEO injects a competitive energy into your content culture, focusing on quality over keywords.

The outcome: You get long-lasting, compounding increases in traffic, customers, and ROI.

Old SEO Thinking vs. Customer-Led SEO

The Directive

For too long SEO has focused on rankings and driving traffic. Instead, we take a customer lifecycle approach that bridges the gap between your product and the problem you solve.
Customer-Led SEO
Analyzing Google SERPs for features.
User testing SERPs to understand customer intent.
Adding "SEO copy" to landing pages.
Using customer language to meet objections, clarify messaging, and drive conversions.
"SEO content" based on keywords that do not drive leads.
Jobs To Be Done content mapped to the customer journey.
Boring SEO audit documents.
Customer-driven strategy & prioritization.
Keyword reporting.
Customer segment dashboards.
Technical tweaks.
Iterating, testing, & continuous growth.

The Principles of Customer-Led SEO

By taking the Customer Generation approach to SEO, we learn how to meet your customers where they are and develop content to support the buying journey.