Which B2B Prospecting Tool is Best For You? [VIDEO]

Hi, everyone! Today we’re going to be talking about which B2B prospecting tool is best for you.


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Prospecting has definitely changed over the past few years. Hopefully, you’re no longer buying random lists from random people online — that probably doesn’t have accurate data…

Let’s go over a few tools that can help prospecting become a lot easier for you.


The first tool we’re going to be talking about is Growbots.

 B2B Prospecting Tool


What’s great about Growbots is that it’s actually a prospecting and an outreach tool all in one. What you can do is mine your prospects in the tool.  You can add them to specific cadences, email sequences, and then send them out and monitor your entire outreach process in one single platform.

What’s also nice about Growbots is that it syncs directly with your CRM so that any prospects you’re reaching out to in Growbots will go directly into Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, or any other similar software.

Another really awesome thing about Growbots is that you can select multiple contacts from one company. For example, if you’re doing account-based marketing and you want to get three people that are in a marketing position at specific a company, then Growbots allows you to reach out to all of them at once.


Some of the cons about Growbots is that the data isn’t entirely up to date. With all prospecting tools, you’re not going to have 100% great data. We found that Growbots actually had some insignificant data compared to everyone else. We would be looking for B2B companies and get B2C companies — so, unfortunately, the data wasn’t always up to par with that.

Another con with Growbots is that it is fairly expensive. It’s around $400 per user — and then on top of that, you do have to buy credits for each prospect that you look at.

Quick summary for Growbots: Pros: Easy to use and very user-friendly. Cons: Can get expensive and data isn’t always up to par.


The second tool that we’re going to be talking about is LeadGenius.

 B2B Prospecting Tool


Much like Growbots, LeadGenius allows you to prospect and outreach in one platform. Unfortunately, unlike Growbots, the platform is not very easy to use and it can be tough to monitor everything going on at once.  LeadGenius does have great data accuracy though — and that’s one really strong point.

On top of that, they also have a great reporting system that allows you to see exactly what sequence, what subject line led to not only conversations but also which component led to revenue down the pipeline.

They also allow you to give an estimated revenue number so that you can track the process as you’re sending emails. You’re able to track which ones are getting the best responses for higher earning companies or higher potential revenue driving companies.


The cons of LeadGenius, as I mentioned earlier, is that the platform is not super user intuitive.

Another issue is that you don’t get direct dial numbers, so the additional touches can be a little more difficult in LeadGenius. On top of that, the pricing is pretty expensive as well.

Quick summary for LeadGenius: Similar cons as Growbots — pricing and additional touches such as getting direct dials — but the data is a lot better. 


The third tool that we’ll be talking about is ZoomInfo.

 B2B Prospecting Tool

Now, at Directive Consulting, this is our personal favorite. We really like ZoomInfo for a couple reasons.


A major pro of ZoomInfo is that you can extract data a few different ways. You can find leads based on company info — whether they’re in a certain industry or have a certain employee size. What’s really awesome is that you can search based on how many people are in a certain position.

For example, if you’re looking for marketing people, then you can say, “I want a company with at least 10 people in a marketing position,” — that way you know they have a big investment in marketing.

Aside from using the actual platform on ZoomInfo, you can download their Zoom Reach extension, which allows you to prospect anywhere on the web.

 B2B Prospecting Tool

For example, you could go to a LinkedIn profile, use Zoom Reach extension, and find a prospect’s direct dial, address, and a whole bunch of other information about that prospect.

On top of email address and direct phone lines, you also get addresses so that you can follow up with those really intentional direct-mail asset touches.


The cons of ZoomInfo is that it doesn’t actually have its own outreaching platform, so you will need to partner that with some sort of email outreach program. We use Outreach.io here. We just import all of our ZoomInfo prospects into Outreach.io for outreach.

Another con is much like the other two — data is expensive — and ZoomInfo can get expensive if you want to sync all your contacts into Salesforce if you want to enrich them with even more data. I would recommend starting with a base plan with ZoomInfo and then keep in mind that every additional piece of information you want does have an extra cost.

Quick summary ZoomInfo: Directive Consulting’s favorite, able to extract specific and helpful prospecting data, has additional extension — doesn’t have an outreaching platform and also expensive. 

So… Which B2B Prospecting Tool is Best For You?

It really comes down to your specific needs…

  • If you want a platform that’s small and agile I recommend Growbots, but it can get expensive the more prospects you load in.
  • If you’re looking for something where you can send out mass emails, LeadGenius is going to be great for you.
  • If you’re looking for something a little agiler where you can prospect online and on the platform as well as give direct dials and get addresses, then ZoomInfo is the B2B prospecting tool for you.

Thank you so much for your time today! Remember to like, comment, and subscribe if you enjoyed this video, and have a great rest of the day!

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