Everything You Know About B2B SaaS Growth Marketing Is Wrong

Take our interactive quiz. Share your B2B SaaS growth marketing insights.

We’ve busted the biggest B2B SaaS marketing myths around—now we’re turning the spotlight on you.

We’ve put together an interactive quiz to help you gain a deeper understanding of the current state of B2B SaaS marketing.

Here’s the twist…

Rather than getting scored on your answers and us telling how good or bad your B2B marketing knowledge is at the end—this quiz is all about gathering your thoughts on the subject (call it a quickfire Q&A session).

Once we’ve gathered enough (no doubt epic) insights from the quiz, we’re going to share the results with everyone who participated. These results will give us a greater gauge of the current B2B SaaS growth marketing playing field. And as the iconic saying goes, “Knowledge is power.” 

So, take the quiz (trust us, it’s fun), share your thoughts, and play your part in making the B2B SaaS marketing world better, bolder, and brighter.

Is everything you thought you knew about B2B SaaS growth marketing wrong? Let’s find out.

Unveiling the Truth Behind B2B SaaS Growth Marketing Myths

The world of B2B SaaS growth marketing is rife with myths and misconceptions. For starters, cold (turkey) outreach isn’t the only (nor the best) way to land new leads. Not in this day and age.

Another well-trodden SaaS B2B growth marketing myth is that it’s the same as B2C. Coupled with the fact that many industry specialists still subscribe to the notion that B2B SaaS marketing is just about the features or benefits—and we start to fall down a pretty misleading rabbit hole.

So, how do you cement real B2B SaaS marketing growth and earn sustainable success in your field? Separating the fact from the fiction is a good place to start.

Myth 1: B2B SaaS growth marketing is dry and dusty

There’s this longstanding misconception that B2B SaaS marketing is, well…boring. Many people believe that cold calls, outlining ever-expanding lists of functional benefits, and overly formal meetings lie at the heart of SaaS B2B marketing. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Myth busted.

With 99% of companies expected to be using at least one SaaS service by the end of 2024—gaining an edge on the competition has never been more important. So, excitement should lie at the core of your B2B SaaS marketing strategy. Lead with dynamic content, craft personalized messaging that showcases your brand personality—and you’ll win on the B2B SaaS marketing battlefield (leave the long lists at the door!).

Take WeWork, for instance.

As somewhat of a B2B marketing pioneer, the physical and virtual co-working space provider launched a series of bite-sized videos that serve up insider tips for business founders, leaders, and decision-makers. Visually striking, succinct, and value-driven, this video series earned WeWork droves of engagement in a short space of time. There’s nothing dull about that.

Myth 2: B2B SaaS marketing is just about generating leads

Generating leads and sparking up relationships with valuable prospects make up a big slice of the B2B SaaS marketing pie. But not the whole pie. As a forward-thinking tech solution provider, snagging a solid lead is only one part of the journey—to thrive long-term, you have to nurture it.

Myth busted.

The average retention rate for a scaling SaaS company is around the 92% mark. While this isn’t bad—you need to do the work to keep those all-important customer retention rates in the green while you’re out there cementing new leads. Once you’ve generated a tasty lead, maintaining a consistent level of engagement is vital for long-term success. You need to tailor your solution to the ever-evolving needs of your customers, serve up personalized content, and keep offering value at every turn. That’s where the magic lies.

Read: Your leads will bounce without a nurture stream strategy

Myth 3: Blogs and SEO are the only forms of B2B content worth considering

Sure, there’s a certain amount of crossover with B2B and B2C—but they’re not the same. There are different sales cycles, various types of decision-makers, and a highly personalized approach to consider when it comes to B2B SaaS growth marketing. So, when it comes to content—you’ve got to mix things up.

Myth busted.

Crafting thought-leading blog posts and optimizing your B2B marketing content for search engines should 100% be a part of your content strategy. But, to reach out and command your leads’ attention—you’ve got to take a multichannel approach. Think product demos, webinars, eBooks, whitepapers, mobile apps, personalized email content, knowledge bases, podcasts, videos…the list goes on.

Digital marketing CRM colossus HubSpot, for example, boss it in the B2B SaaS growth marketing field year in, year out. 

How, exactly? By creating a constant stream of thought-leading educational marketing content, courses, and toolkits with lead-generation assets woven seamlessly into the journey. It’s probably the reason they generated $2.12 billion of revenue in 2023 alone.

Myth 4: SaaS B2B growth marketing is governed by hard data

Look, data doesn’t lie (not the clean, trustworthy kind, anyway). But, while sweating the right performance and benchmarking metrics is paramount to evolving your B2B SaaS growth marketing efforts over time is essential—there are other insights you can pull on to get ahead of the pack.

Myth busted.

In addition to working with the right testing, attribution, and performance data—you should leverage qualitative data to understand your prospects’ needs and pain points on a human level. 

Through polls, surveys, product demo conversations, business-based market research sessions, and in-person networking, you can gain a well-rounded understanding of your industry—tailoring your growth marketing approach to meet the exact needs of your leads as a result. Do that consistently enough, and you’ll be one mighty tech-slinging force.

From Series A to IPO, we’re the strategists behind the fastest-growing brands in Tech. We are your Customer Generation agency, passionately pioneering a new way to market B2B SaaS with measurable impact.

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