8 Best Conversion Rate Optimization Tools

The best digital marketers work with conversion rate optimization (CRO) tools frequently to continuously improve the performance of their websites and landing pages.

CRO tools include features like content experiments (e.g. A/B testing, split testing or multivariate testing) and user behavior tracking (heat maps and analytics) that help marketers optimize their conversion funnels and maximize their digital marketing ROI by providing the best possible user experience for audiences.

To help you create fully optimized conversion funnels for your next digital marketing campaign, we’re sharing this list of our 8 favorite conversion rate optimization tools that you should use.


8 Best Conversion Rate Optimization Tools


hotjar cro tool

Overview: Hotjar is a user behavior analysis tool that gives digital marketers several ways to track, monitor and visualize how users interact with their website and landing pages. This helps marketers develop insights, driving optimization test ideas that can potentially increase conversions.

Unique Features & Value: Hotjar’s main feature is its Heatmaps, which create a visual representation of where users click, where they scroll and where their cursor moves on a given webpage. Marketers can also use a visual recording feature to replay sessions of real website visitors and see exactly how they interacted with the page. In addition to monitoring user behavior, Hotjar also supports feedback polls and surveys so you can find out exactly how audiences feel about the user experience on your website.

Pricing & Access: Hotjar subscriptions are priced based on how many pageviews your website gets each day. There’s a free version for websites with 2000 daily pageviews or fewer, but the business packages include 20,000 daily pageviews starting at $89/month.


unbounce cro tool

Overview: When it comes to landing page builder tools for digital marketers, there’s no better option than Unbounce. This feature-rich platform gives digital marketers a powerful drag-and-drop editor from which they can customize their own landing pages to drive conversions.

Unique Features & Value: In addition to its landing page builder tool, Unbounce supports content experiments and makes it easy to implement extensive testing to find high-performing landing pages. Digital marketers can further optimize their campaigns with pop-ups and sticky bars with special offers that drive even more conversions. When it comes to building and testing landing pages, Unbounce is one of your best options.

Pricing & Access: There’s a free 14-day trial available for new users, otherwise the basic package starts at $79/month.


optimizely cro tool

Overview: Optimizely is one of the best enterprise-level conversion rate optimization tools featured on this list, with a customer base that includes 24 of the Fortune 100 global businesses. They’ve published case studies on their successes working with HP, Salesforce, and IBM, to name a few.

Unique Features & Value:  Optimizely gives digital marketers the flexibility to run content experiments on websites, mobile apps, television apps, mobile kiosks, messaging bots, email, call centers, and more. This makes it the ideal platform for enterprise organizations whose media optimization needs to extend beyond website experiments and into other domains.

Pricing & Access: There’s no free version of Optimizely available, and you’ll have to book a consultation to set up your account.


instapage cro tool

Overview: Instapage is a conversion rate optimization tool that empowers digital marketers to deliver personalized landing page experiences to their advertising audiences.

Unique Features & Value: Instapage is, first and foremost, a drag-and-drop landing page editor that makes it easy to customize aesthetically brilliant landing pages without writing a single line of code. Instapage also offers personalization features, enabling digital marketers to create and present specific landing pages to members of a specific ad group or respondents to a specific advertisement. There’s also a robust content experimentation functionality that includes A/B testing, multivariate testing and heatmaps.

Pricing & Access: The most affordable Instapage subscription starts at $199/month for a business plan. Users that require more support and additional features can set up a customized enterprise plan which includes a dedicated customer success manager.

Crazy Egg

crazyegg cro tool

Overview: Crazy Egg is a user behavior analytics tool that uses heat maps to understand how your website visitors interact with your landing pages. Heat maps offer insights into user behavior that drive landing page optimization opportunities and increase website conversions.

Unique Features & Value: The simple workflow for getting the most out of Crazy Egg makes it one of the best conversion rate optimization tools for digital marketers. To begin, test your site with Crazy Egg and start analyzing user behavior with heat maps, snapshots and session recordings. Next, identify the lowest-performing pages and develop landing page variants that address the most common user issues. Crazy Egg lets you quickly edit page elements, so it’s easy to develop new variations in a hurry. Finally, you can use Crazy Egg to A/B test your landing page variations against each other and discover which one performs the best.

Pricing & Access: There’s a 30-day free trial of Crazy Egg available for all new customers. After that, pricing starts at $24/month for the basic package, which is good for collecting data from 1000 page views each day.

Visual Website Optimizer

vwo cro tool

Overview: Visual website optimizer (VWO) is one of the most powerful conversion rate optimization tools in the market, with thousands of companies relying on the platform each day to help optimize their post-click landing page experiences.

Unique Features & Value: The VWO platform has everything you need to implement CRO effectively across your landing pages and PPC advertising campaigns. The VWO Testing product supports A/B testing, multivariate testing and split URL testing. There’s also VWO Insights, a user behavior analytics tool that offers session recordings, heatmaps, on-page surveys and form analytics for lead generation pages. Digital marketers may also be interested in the customer retargeting capabilities offered through VWO Engage.

Pricing & Access: There’s a 30-day trial available with the most basic subscription package starting at $99/month.


drift cro tool

Overview: Drift is an unconventional addition to this list, but we’re featuring Driftbot here because it represents a totally different methodology for increasing conversions: conversational marketing.

Unique Features & Value: Digital marketers that implement Drift on their landing pages will have the power to engage prospective customers in conversation directly as part of the post-click landing page experience. The tool can be implemented as a “live chat” that automatically connects your sales team with prospects on your website, or as an artificial intelligence chatbot that works around the clock to qualify leads on your website. Drift is one of the best marketing automation tools that can help engage your prospective customers and drive conversions.

Pricing & Access: There’s a free version with live chat support and a paid version with additional features for business and enterprise clients.

Hello Bar

hellobar features

Overview: Hello Bar is a simple yet powerful conversion rate optimization tool designed to help anyone from digital marketers to thought leaders capture more leads and conversions. We love the customizations and variety of modules included along with the no-fuss setup.

Unique Features & Value: One of it’s best features is that it’s easy to get up and running with a 1-click installation. It allows users to create popup notifications, banners, and modal windows with custom content and design options, so they can tailor their messages to their target audience.

Pricing & Access: Their plans start as low as $29 a month for up to 50,000 popup views/month and basic customer support.


Thanks for checking out our list of the 8 best conversion optimization tools!

There are plenty of free trials to go around, so test out a few of these CRO tools with your upcoming digital marketing campaigns and let us know which one is your favorite.

Garrett Mehrguth is the CEO and co-founder of Directive Consulting – a global search marketing agency headquartered in Southern California specializing in comprehensive search marketing campaigns for B2B and enterprise companies.

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