The Only B2B SaaS Marketing Channels That Matter For Attracting Customers

As a SaaS B2B company, choosing the right marketing channels is, well…essential. No ifs, No buts. No wiggle room.

In a digital landscape that moves at what seems like warp speed, it’s never been more important to run with the right SaaS B2B marketing mix. Why? It’s because hitting the right channels will give you a deeper understanding of your target audience and help you build customer relationships that actually grow your business.

With a wealth of SaaS lead generation avenues out there to explore, knowing where to focus your efforts can be stressful. But armed with insider know-how—you can attract valuable new leads like a boss.

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The most effective marketing channels for 2024 (and beyond)

Shooting in the dark and hoping for the best won’t result in B2B SaaS success. So, let’s look at the best channels to include in your marketing mix.

Email marketing

Did you know? 77% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months. And for good reason.

While some industry naysayers said it was a B2B lead generation tool of the past, email marketing has seen somewhat of a renaissance. With more active smartphone users than ever before, email marketing offers a direct way to get under the noses of potential prospects and shout about your SaaS solutions in a way that’s tailored to their needs.

A solid email series will allow you to be direct yet creative, showcase your USPs on a personal level, and warm up your leads faster than a bag of popcorn in a microwave. 


Okay, this may sound obvious—and we’re not patronizing anyone here—but optimizing your SaaS business website can score you heaps of inbound traffic. And when leads come to you—they usually need a small budge in the right direction to convert.

Investing in optimizing your website for search engines to improve web visibility and working with UX-savvy designers to ensure a seamless browsing experience are two of the most effective SaaS marketing strategies around.

Make sure your website copy shines your USPs in the best possible light, and showcasing an authority in your niche will also empower you to use your website as a major B2B lead generation tool. Oh, and don’t forget to add frequently asked questions to your website—Google loves FAQs.


Guess what? 51% of C-Suite Executives say they spend over an hour per week reading and reviewing thought leadership than ever before.

So, expanding on our last point, being a thought leader in your field will seriously level up your SaaS lead generation game.

By using your internal blog or reaching out for guest writing opportunities within your SaaS niche, you’ll boost your brand awareness while showcasing your subject authority to the B2B marketing audience of your choice.

Deloitte, for instance, has an audio-visual blog that screams I’m the top dog in my field. Yes, the leading professional services network uses a cohesive mix of video, audio (audio snippets and podcast episodes), and written content to share emerging trends and insider insights with its B2B audience. And  initiatives have accelerated the company’s growth year on year.

In 2025, ongoing digital transformation and an increasing need to become that glistening needle in a giant digital haystack means that thought leadership content will continue to drive B2B leads. So, mix up your (media) medicine—and shout about your industry expertise from the virtual rooftops.

Paid advertising

Paid advertising budgets are expected to rise in the B2B world in 2025—and beyond. But, for sustainable SaaS B2B marketing success, diversifying the channels you use is essential.

While good old Google Ads are great for boosting your search presence, it is a saturated space. So, you should pick around three paid advertising channels and focus on creating value-driven ads that command attention. That’s the way to enjoy a solid return on investment (ROI).

According to 40% of top B2B marketers, LinkedIn is a potent space for generating fresh leads. Combine your thought-leading content with your paid marketing efforts—and you’ll reap the rewards.

Oh, and with young digital natives (a.k.a. Gen Zers) making up a healthy portion of the workforce, investing in TikTok ads is likely to turn heads. Why? Well, because droves of Gen Z decision-makers love TikTok. It’s also a paid advertising medium that gives you the freedom to showcase your value prop in extra creative ways. Get filming.


As a tech-based B2B brand, showcasing your commitment to digital innovation will prove paramount to your SaaS lead generation efforts.

With multimedia marketing (MMS) on the rise in the SaaS B2B space, creating personalized mobile experiences will not only help you attract quality leads—it’ll transform them into loyal customers.

72% of B2B buyers value the convenience of a self-service account. Launching a mobile B2B portal or app will empower you to attract leads and land conversions. You can by offering exclusive content, self-service features, gamification, and personalized offers in one portable space.

The savvy thing about mobile is that you can use it as an asset to grab the attention of B2B marketing leads and drive more value from them once they’ve arrived at the party. It’s a double threat that will make you ultra-competitive this year…and beyond.

How to attract high-quality business leads

By using the channels we’ve covered in a cohesive way, you’ll attract a steady flow of B2B SaaS marketing leads. Here’s how to use them to snag SaaS marketing leads.

1. Choose your marketing weapons

To maximize the value of every SaaS B2B marketing channel in your mix, you should avoid spreading yourself too thin early on.

Choose around three channels to focus on and create a sense of synergy between them. For instance, you might decide to:

  • Create a dedicated product landing page
  • Launch a personalized email campaign and showcase your landing page to potential leads
  • Offer a free product demo and guide them to your mobile portal

Takeaway: Approach your SasS B2B lead generation by creating a cohesive digital experience to command attention, build trust, and cement loyalty.

2. Network it

Attending networking events (virtual and in-person) will empower you to get in front of potential B2B leads and place your unique value prop before them.

 By sparking a connection, you can showcase your solutions on a personal level and direct people to your digital marketing channels to keep the conversation going.

Networking events will also give you the chance to forge mutually beneficial B2B partnerships that extend your network and develop marketing initiatives that will showcase your SaaS offerings to a new business audience.

3. Dive into data

Data-driven marketing isn’t going anywhere. It’s only going to become more valuable.

Using AI-powered data analytics tools to your advantage, you can test the impact of your messaging, design, and approach on each channel without breaking a sweat.

Using AI-assisted data platforms, you’ll be able to:

  • A/B test your landing pages and emails to see what works best
  • Gather key engagement and conversion data to decide where to focus your efforts
  • Grab demographic insights to tweak your messaging for specific business audiences

Salesforce and Adobe use data-driven marketing to continually evolve their efforts. That’s why they’re leaders in their fields—it’s time to follow suit.

The importance of a comprehensive B2B marketing mix

Epic B2B SaaS marketing success does not come from putting all of your hard-earned eggs into one digital basket.

Having a comprehensive B2B marketing mix will boost your brand awareness, help you tap into a broader audience, and create experiences that attract and convert leads.

94% of top B2B decision-makers state that omnichannel marketing is paramount to their lead generation success.

Take Squarespace, for instance.

Okay, this might be a bit big budget—but it’s a prime example of using a cohesive mix of marketing channels to attract a big pool of business leads.

Thinking outside of the box, the website that makes websites uses a mix of video marketing, paid advertising, and social media messaging to deliver this head-turning B2B marketing hook.

The result? Droves of engagement and a further 16% in year-on-year growth. Not too shabby.

The takeaway? Lead with your biggest USPs, create a unique hook, and use a mix of marketing channels to amplify your efforts. That’s the key to consistent B2B SaaS marketing success.

The latest SaaS B2B marketing trends and innovations

Besides what we’ve already talked about, here are some emerging B2B marketing trends in SaaS marketing.

Predictive analytics

The AI bots have arrived, and they’re here to stay. We touched on AI earlier—but it’s important, so we’ll mention it again. As we’re getting closer to the dawn of a new year, we should note that predictive analytics is fast becoming an essential tool in every SaaS B2B marketer’s toolkit.

According to Forrester, 53% of marketing leads plan to use predictive AI tools to gain deeper customer insights, better quality leads, and create highly targeted marketing experiences within the next 12 months.

Many B2B marketers looking to showcase their innovation will also turn to generative AI tools like CharGPT and Gemini to scale up their lead-generating content creation efforts.

By sourcing a predictive AI tool that aligns with your business needs and getting to grips with generative AI prompts—you can push yourself ahead of the SaaS pack in 2025.

Account-based marketing (ABM)

ABM is expected to ramp up in 2025 as SaaS B2B brands look to set themselves apart from the competition and establish long-lasting connections.

This branch of B2B marketing is all about sourcing those high-value leads and honing in on them with hyper-personal messaging that suits their exact needs down to a tee. Working with an ABM platform that suits your current business size and goals will streamline your efforts. And (as you may have guessed), these tools will come packed with an increasing number of automated features in 2025.

Oh, and once you know who you’re targeting, understanding your lead’s pain points will empower you to create super personalized omnichannel marketing campaigns that deliver the goods.

Calendly, for instance, uses its software to deliver extra personalized ABM marketing interactions. The savvy SaaS B2B provider reaches out to potentially valuable leads and incentivises them to set up a free account in exchange for a virtual product demo.

Once a lead signs up, Calendly uses its virtual demo to showcase its product USPs, share personalized marketing content, and convert free account customers into paid ones. And it works.

Short-form video content

Did you know? Short-form videos boast the highest ROI among today’s visual marketing mediums.

Short-form video content isn’t exactly new. But, it is a SaaS lead generation tool that’s expected to ramp up from now onwards.

B2B video marketing is on the uptick. It’s a prime opportunity to inspire, educate, and demonstrate your unique value across a host of mediums—its cost-effective, too.

To ride the crest of this trending B2B marketing wave, you should:

  • Create a strong video concept or hook
  • Lead with value and solutions
  • Make it snappy. Try not to create vids that are longer than around two minutes
  • Distribute your video across your most engaged marketing channels
  • Gather the data. Keep testing. Always evolve your efforts.

Start creating videos now, and you’ll have plenty of lead-generating assets to weave into your marketing mix. It’s go time.

Oh, and here’s a hand-picked short-form B2B video for your inspiration…

How to measure SaaS B2B marketing success

Measuring the success of your marketing communications and campaigns is essential to continually improving your efforts and enjoying a healthy ROI.

Here are some of the best metrics you should measure to ensure long-term SaaS B2B marketing domination:

  • Website traffic and time on page
  • Shares and social media engagement
  • Email open, click-through, and conversion rates
  • Lead volume and quality
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC)
  • Customer lifetime value (CLTV)
  •  Customer churn rate

These are the most effective sets of metrics to track to gain a balanced insight into the efficiency, success, and value of your marketing efforts across various channels. Monitor them regularly, and you’ll gain the insight needed to squeeze every drop of juice from your B2B SaaS marketing efforts.

PRO TIP: Work with a tool or platform that consolidates your most valuable data from a range of sources and allows you to gain valuable insights from one central location. That way, you’ll be able to harness the business-boosting power of these KPIs without eating into your creative marketing resources.

Final thoughts…

When prepping your marketing channels for SaaS success, it’s important to harness emerging tools and innovations.

By taking a cohesive approach to your B2B marketing efforts and using the right tools to drive efficiency across the board, you’ll create communications that deliver a consistently healthy ROI.

In 2025, AI and account-based marketing will dominate the space and targeted omnichannel campaigns—complete with short-form video content—is likely to make the biggest impact.

So, choose your SaaS B2B marketing weapons, showcase your value, and don’t be afraid to be bold. Fortune favors it—or something like that.

Best of luck and for more insider B2B marketing advice, check out our ever-growing in-house marketing blog.

From Series A to IPO, we’re the strategists behind the fastest-growing brands in Tech. We are your Customer Generation agency, passionately pioneering a new way to market B2B SaaS with measurable impact.

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