
Tag: Strategy

5 Things You Never Want To Hear From Your Account Manager (But You Should!)

It’s Thursday at 3:00 pm. You’re tired, it’s been a long week, and you’re about to hop on a call with your account manager. In their agenda-setting email, they mentioned they wanted to “talk” about something, but were a little vague and now you’re a tad worried. Those of us who have been in this […]

Jesse Seilhanin
February 12, 2019

Do You Have the Right Social Media Marketing Strategy?

As Erik Qualman, a #1 best-selling author and motivational speaker once said, “We don’t have a choice on whether we DO social media, the question is how WELL we do it.” In this era, if you don’t have a robust social media marketing strategy that works, you miss out on tremendous growth opportunities for your […]

Digital Content Marketing: The Art of Storytelling

Did you know that digital content marketing obtains three times more leads than paid search advertising? It’s now 2019. It’s time to invest more effort into crafting your digital content into attention-grabbing masterpieces that resonate with your audience. Why? Storytelling is a critical component of creating content that stands out and builds long-lasting relationships between you […]

The Importance of Branding and Positioning

If you’ve been following along with our videos, you probably noticed we had re-branded recently. Today, I want to discuss the importance of branding and positioning. As search marketers here at Directive, we focus so much on new user acquisition. This is also known as getting new visitors to our website! However, we are passionate […]

Importance of a Singular Metric for Marketing and Sales

Marketing is comprised of a magnitude of channels where we are tracking various figures. Aligning ourselves with sales metrics is critical to secure more budget and resources, and keep marketing focused on revenue-generating initiatives. Here's why it's important to have a singular metric for marketing and sales.

3 Reasons Why B2B Social Media Marketing is Your Secret Weapon

There is no doubt that B2B social media marketing has become an increasingly dominant key ingredient for a successful marketing strategy — but first, what is social media marketing? Why is it important? In this article, we’ll clearly define what social media marketing is is as well as outline three reasons why it’s essential to […]

On-Page SEO Checklist: Optimize Your Money Pages for Leads

Is There a Kink in My Funnel? | Optimizing for Your MOFU Keywords As SEO specialists, we often prioritize what we can control. We provide three blog articles a month, we acquire three links, and we can crawl our clients’ sites for technical errors. Those are all useful tactics, but we can’t forget how our […]

5 Stages of the Consumer Decision-Making Process and How It’s Changed

The 5 stages of the consumer decision-making process have changed immensely. While the way consumers go about it is completely different, the 5 stages are surprisingly exactly the same. Let's dive into what this new world looks like with our CEO, Garrett Mehrguth.

3 Must-Have B2B Market Research Tools That You Need Today

Check out the 3 tools our expert tech marketing team uses every day here at Directive: SEMrush (gather keyword data & look at the competition), SpyFu (understand spend & keywords the competition is targeting), and BuzzSumo (understand your competitors' & your own content strategy).

Simple 8 Step Demand Generation Strategy [VIDEO]

A lot of times, as B2B marketers, we struggle with how to generate demand for our product or service and >how to generate leads. So today, we’re going to talk about a demand generation strategy that will not only generate demand but also leads. Through this process, you’ll also be able to directly correlate marketing […]

Find out how you can crush your tech marketing goals with Customer Generation.
